Wednesday, January 30, 2013


5 month

Teethers, Teethers, & more Teethers- I put Sophie on this list because I am trying my god forsaken HARDEST to get Landon to chew on her. Everyone out there said this is a must have- we got it and he wants nothing to do with her- takes one chomp and chucks it across the room. The round teether with all the things sticking out is a favorite because he can grab it easy and move to each part of it. We are in the process of an Amber teething neckless, one has been ordered, Roberto is aware his son will be wearing a neckless, and hopefully we will find some relief from the fussiness. I will be sure to report back.

Hyland's Teething Tablets- Again not sure if they work or not but I pop them on a regular basis. It says all natural so I'm game.

Jumpers- Yep loves them. The saucer is a favorite and the one that hangs from a door way is awesome too. He can spend a good amount of time in them before getting bored which is always a plus.

Baby Bullet- I am by no means a all organic "crunchy" mom. I am trying though (hence the teething neckless). My dad bought me this for Christmas and it is very easy to use. I am super lazy so I was worried I wouldn't commit to it but its a little to easy to walk away from. I can just steam anything and throw it in there with water and it makes tons which when freezable they are good for 30 days. Also if you look at the shelf life for the baby food it kinda makes you wanna gag. I mean lets be serious I will probably buy some next week so go easy on me.

BabySpoons- An obvious here- cant use real spoons because they are monsters when eating and will cut their little gums. Plus they make spoons that turn white now to let you know the food is to hot? Genius.

WubbaNub- BEST INVENTION EVER. He loves this. Kinda. He loves throwing it across the room more, but when he is in his car seat all bundled up like the kid in Christmas story and cant move it works wonders, it cant fall out.

Last but not least- a dog. Any dog will work. A live one will be best. The belly laughs that come out of this kid when the dog walks makes my heart explode. Cant take it. Plus the dog cleans up the floor when he drops food, spits up, drools, etc; its a win win.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Landon- 5 months

Little man turned 5 months on Saturday and let me tell you this month FLEW by!

Photo: 5 months ago at this time we were on our way to the hospital- thank you Landon for being the light in our lives

Health: Im just going to go ahead and say that we have a very high needs baby. We have spent most of the beginning of the month with our Pedi. Fun times. He is very congested and his breathing is very heavy, she decided she wanted us to get a chest x-ray just to rule everything out. 
Let me start by saying I was unaware how babies received chest xrays, for some odd reason I though they would just lay there and a picture would be taken.
The nurse (who was matter-of-fact huffy puffy) directed me to this:

When I first saw the device I was like what the hell- they made him sit on this bicycle seat thing and put his arms above his head as in the picture- this baby is just hanging out chillin' seems like no problems at all...
But Landon? hot damnnn the kid flipped out and screamed his head off like someone was murdering him on the spot. My heart literally was breaking in a million pieces, to make matters worse they had me stay in the room and hold his hands above his head. Lets just say it took all my strength to not flip out and go ape shit on this huffy puffy xray tech. The process was a total of 5 minutes which obv seemed like hours and once he was taking out and given back to me he calmed down. So if any of you need to bring your baby to an xray tech this is what happens.
The chest xray did come back there was a virus in his lungs which "will go away with time" but we do have to do a nebulizer treatment twice a day.

Weight: No problems here- porker is close to 18lbs I would say. He LOVES food, maybe a little to much. He has had Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Bananas, and Apples. He eats 3 times a day fruit in the morning a starch in the afternoon and veg at night. Also takes abut 4oz every 2/3 hours. 

I am currently making my own food with the baby bullet- which has been super easy, hopefully I can stick with it for months to come.

Sleep: Down by 6/630 and sleeps great until 11/12 then needs the paci, sometimes he will do this a few times a night before 3/330 then we feed him and he is down again until 6/630. Sometimes I will sneak him in bed with me on the weekend and I can get another hour or 2 out of him.

Likes: He LOVES daycare- as you can see above. We are blessed that Roberto's step mom runs a daycare out of her house so she takes him tues-friday and my mom does Mondays. He loves putting anything and everything in his mouth including my fingers, nose, ears, collarbone, hair whatever he can grab is going in the chomper. He has recently discovered his little grasp and clutches EVERYTHING- this results in no jewelry or dangley earings for momma.

Clothes: The white onesies I can still get him in 3 months. However zip/button up jammies are 6+ months look at those legs... they just dont zip! 

I believe we are teething as well. Which should be a fun treat in the upcoming months!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas & True Writings

Lets start with a few pictures, if you follow me on insta (lacelouu) then these are probably repeats I apologize.

Obviously a 4 month old will not remember Christmas but it sure was fun to watch him attempt to tear open gifts.

Landon and Uncle Dallas

Seriously with the matching outfits and Patriot hats- cutness overload.

Family pic attempted... no go obviously...
At least mom & dad understand what to do
Pull it together kids.

Raw Emotion.
I want to take time to reflect that 1 year ago I took a pregnancy test, there are no fun pictures of the pee-stick saying positive and no pinterest worthy pictures of a fun exciting way I told Roberto and grandparents. When I reflect on that day it was a normal work day but something felt off, in my heart I knew I was pregnant I just didn't want to admit it. The work day ended and after dinner was finished I explained to Roberto I had not remembered when my last period was and maybe we should take a test to calm my nerves. There was a running joke in the house that if it came back negative he would do the dishes and if it came back positive I would do them, I thought for sure I was getting the best deal out of this bargain. We both go upstairs-as we are waiting the longest 2-3 minutes of our lives-we are joking with eachother because  secretly we both knew what it was going to say. Positive. We both sat on our bed, I cried and he hugged me. Of course we both wanted kids together, that was our plan, we were both old enough with established jobs, a home and healthy lifestyles so why was this so hard to accept? Society puts shame on people that are not married and have children and I thought for sure I would be looked at as someone who had failed at the picture perfect life. I also wanted to be married, own a house, and have traveled some before starting a family and now things basically stopped for us and we had to figure out how to be the best people we could be for this baby.

Being a mom has not come easy to me. I have struggled, cried, screamed, walked out, been in deep depression and yet it is still the happiest I have ever been? I just want all moms to know that you are NOT a bad person if you do not have this UNDYING amount of love the moment you push the baby out of you. It is something that takes time, everyday you will love them more. It is okay to lock yourself in the bathroom and scream curse words, it is okay to dislike your significant other, it is okay to feel like anyone else could raise this baby better than you. Truth will be told that in time I found that Landon knows me, I am his favorite person, I know how to calm him down, he knows my smell and I know his. He is my best friend. The light in my eye. I am the only person that can raise him the best way I know how. With the most amount of love I can give and honesty.

When a long day of work ends and after getting the baby ready for bed I sit in the dark just me and Landon with ocean noises in the background his little hand wraps around my fingers every night and he hums himself to sleep drinking his bottle, this is the life I never knew could be so full of love. I have found true love and I am so blessed that those words on that pregnancy test one year ago said "yes"