Thursday, August 16, 2012

37 weeks FULL term

Weeks 37-Delivery (Month 9): Watermelon

Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb Full term! Baby's finally ready for the outside world...

I have made it to full term!!!! I am actually 37 weeks and 4 days, so closer to 38 which is CRAZY to me. I went to my appointment on Tuesday, I am almost 3CM dilated, they put me on bed rest since last Wed hoping for the blood pressure to drop. It did not. I was then asked by my doctor if I was having any headaches, which I have started having since Saturday, without any question or discussion she said "Ok your going to the hospital" I was admitted over night and had to collect my urine for 24 hours to trace for protein. All the blood work came back negative for Pre-E and I am assuming the urine is okay because they discharged me a little before my 24 hour stay. I am home now, and let me just share with you all staying over in the hospital is NOT a good time. I know we will have to do it when the baby arrives but doing it now was awful, I just kept counting my blessings because some women were there for 4 weeks or more!! So now that I am home I am stuck on strict bedrest until I deliver.

There is alot of this going on at my house....

So at 39 weeks my doctor and I will make a plan on induction since the blood pressure is not wanting to corporate.

I have been watching alot of TV and I mean ALOT. Obviously Honey Boo Boo has been all over everyones blogs lately

And what everyone is saying about the show is 100% completely true. I honestly can not believe a family acts and lives like this, it is probably the best and worst thing I have ever watched. If you haven't tuned it for Honey Boo Boo I would highly recommend it, most amazing train wreck ever.

A Baby Story tv show photo

I am pretty much obsessed with reading all my mommy blogs baby stories and seeing how they went into labor, what they went through, ect. This show has become my new obsession and boy oh boy do I cry when that little bambino comes out! I am seriously going to be a mess when mine is born if I cant even watch someone else go through poor nurses and doctor!


  1. Oh Lacy I'm so sorry!!! But I'm glad you are out of the hospital! Praying for you!

  2. Glad there's no Pre-E!!
    Hang in there toots!

  3. Yay for no Pre-E! I hear ya, hospital stays while preggo are no fun; you're hooked up to a zillion different monitors and have to pee every 3 minutes amongst the tangled mess. But once that baby comes out it's're almost there! Just a few more days!!
