Teethers, Teethers, & more Teethers- I put Sophie on this list because I am trying my god forsaken HARDEST to get Landon to chew on her. Everyone out there said this is a must have- we got it and he wants nothing to do with her- takes one chomp and chucks it across the room. The round teether with all the things sticking out is a favorite because he can grab it easy and move to each part of it. We are in the process of an Amber teething neckless, one has been ordered, Roberto is aware his son will be wearing a neckless, and hopefully we will find some relief from the fussiness. I will be sure to report back.
Hyland's Teething Tablets- Again not sure if they work or not but I pop them on a regular basis. It says all natural so I'm game.
Jumpers- Yep loves them. The saucer is a favorite and the one that hangs from a door way is awesome too. He can spend a good amount of time in them before getting bored which is always a plus.
Baby Bullet- I am by no means a all organic "crunchy" mom. I am trying though (hence the teething neckless). My dad bought me this for Christmas and it is very easy to use. I am super lazy so I was worried I wouldn't commit to it but its a little to easy to walk away from. I can just steam anything and throw it in there with water and it makes tons which when freezable they are good for 30 days. Also if you look at the shelf life for the baby food it kinda makes you wanna gag. I mean lets be serious I will probably buy some next week so go easy on me.
BabySpoons- An obvious here- cant use real spoons because they are monsters when eating and will cut their little gums. Plus they make spoons that turn white now to let you know the food is to hot? Genius.
WubbaNub- BEST INVENTION EVER. He loves this. Kinda. He loves throwing it across the room more, but when he is in his car seat all bundled up like the kid in Christmas story and cant move it works wonders, it cant fall out.
Last but not least- a dog. Any dog will work. A live one will be best. The belly laughs that come out of this kid when the dog walks makes my heart explode. Cant take it. Plus the dog cleans up the floor when he drops food, spits up, drools, etc; its a win win.